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Welcome to Dr. Saori's Virtual Office!


About Dr. Saori


Dr. Saori previously provided mental skills training and wellness-related services at an office in San Diego, California. However, due to the global trend influenced by COVID-19, she transitioned to a fully virtual office in September 2021.

Our office adopts a unique approach called “Mindset Makeover,” which includes mental skills enhancement, hypnotherapy, meditation, and more. We help clients reset their minds (restructure their thought processes) to meet their individual needs, offering consulting, coaching, and hypnotherapy services. In the past, we also hosted meditation-related workshops, and now, we primarily offer one-on-one sessions in an online format.

From a positive psychology perspective, she is also engaged in research related to peak performance and the potential of the subconscious mind. As part of her mental skills training, Dr. Saori studied hypnotherapy, understanding its necessity and effectiveness, which led me to start training and obtain certification. She is currently a member of the Society of Psychological Hypnosis, part of the American Psychological Association (APA).

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We offer cultural consultation services for U.S. military personnel and their families, providing support to address various questions and concerns about living in Japan.

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Dr. Saori